In two first order simultaneous reactions A --> B & A --> C, where beginning A concentration C0 mol/dm3, with given k1, value as 1/s, and k2 1/s, calculate the molar concentration of substrate for every second of reaction for s. For above give parameters calculate also changes of substrates B and C concentrations.


To calculate the progress of reaction, and, the concentration of substrate A and products B and C change, we will use the following formula:

C = C0 x e^(-(k1+k2)t)

where k1 - A --> B rate constant[1/s],k2 - A --> C rate constant[1/s], t -time [s], C0 - starting concentration[mol/dm3]

Then, for every second ( starting from 0) as t value, and for k1 and k2 putting 1/s and 1/s, we can calculate the concentrations value over time.

Take few k-values from the list and observe, that the higher k-value is, the faster our A concentration drops, means - the faster process goes from A ---> products.

Time[s] [A] [mol/dm3] Conc A over the time [B] [mol/dm3] Conc B over the time [C] [mol/dm3] Conc C over the time
0s0 mol/dm3NAN mol/dm3NAN mol/dm3

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